add(EnvironmentLocation) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Adds an object to the grid.
add(int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Adds an object to the grid.
Agent - class ctf.agent.Agent.
Abstract interface class that must be implemented by an agent.
Agent() - Constructor for class ctf.agent.Agent
AgentAction - class ctf.common.AgentAction.
Class that defines action options available to each agent at each time step.
AgentAction() - Constructor for class ctf.common.AgentAction
AgentEnvironment - interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment.
Interface that can be passed to an agent to let it know what's going on in the environment.
AgentGrid - class ctf.environment.AgentGrid.
Grid of agent locations for a particular team Note that this class only has package access enabled.
AgentGrid(int, Agent) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.AgentGrid
Constructs an AgentGrid.
AgentInfo - class ctf.environment.AgentInfo.
Class containing an agent and current information about the agent that pertains to the current game.
AgentInfo() - Constructor for class ctf.environment.AgentInfo


BadAgent - class ctf.agent.BadAgent.
An agent that throws exceptions every 500 moves.
BadAgent() - Constructor for class ctf.agent.BadAgent
badMethod() - Method in class ctf.agent.BadAgent
BaseGrid - class ctf.environment.BaseGrid.
Base grid for game of capture the flag.
BaseGrid(int, Color, Color) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.BaseGrid
Constructs a BaseGrid.
BoardSet - interface ctf.environment.BoardSet.
Miscelaneous board settings preset.
BomberAgent - class ctf.agent.BomberAgent.
Like Jcr13Agent, but plants a mine every other move.
BomberAgent() - Constructor for class ctf.agent.BomberAgent


cancel() - Method in class ctf.environment.Game
Cancels the current round of play.
clear() - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Clears all objects from the grid.


DefaultGameColorMap - class ctf.environment.DefaultGameColorMap.
Standard color map for ctf game.
DefaultGameColorMap() - Constructor for class ctf.environment.DefaultGameColorMap
Constructs a DefaultGameColorMap.
DefaultSet - class ctf.environment.DefaultSet.
A default obstacle location preset for testing purposes.
DefaultSet() - Constructor for class ctf.environment.DefaultSet
DO_NOTHING - Static variable in class ctf.common.AgentAction
draw(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.Game
Draws the current game state in a graphics context.
draw(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Draws the grid and all objects in it.
drawIcon(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class ctf.agent.Agent
Draws the icon representation for this agent.
drawObject(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.AgentGrid
drawObject(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.BaseGrid
drawObject(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.FlagGrid
drawObject(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Draws a graphical representation of an object in a specific location in a graphics context.
drawObject(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.MineGrid
drawObject(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.ObstacleGrid


ENEMY_TEAM - Static variable in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Enemy team identifier constant.
EnvironmentLocation - class ctf.environment.EnvironmentLocation.
A location in the environment.
EnvironmentLocation() - Constructor for class ctf.environment.EnvironmentLocation
EnvironmentSnapshot - class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot.
Snapshot of the environment state.
EnvironmentSnapshot(ObstacleGrid, AgentGrid, AgentGrid, BaseGrid, BaseGrid, FlagGrid, FlagGrid, AgentInfo, int) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
Constructs an EnvironmentSnapshot.
equals(Object) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentLocation
exists(EnvironmentLocation) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Checks whether an object exists in a particular grid location.
exists(int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Checks whether an object exists in a particular grid location.


FileSet - class ctf.environment.FileSet.
Board and obstacle settings read from a file.
FileSet(File) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.FileSet
Constructs a new FileSet.
FlagGrid - class ctf.environment.FlagGrid.
Flag grid for game of capture the flag.
FlagGrid(int, Color, Color, Color) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.FlagGrid
Constructs a FlagGrid.


Game - class ctf.environment.Game.
CTF Game between two teams of agents.
Game(Class[], GameColorMap, BoardSet, ObstacleSet, int, StateChangeListener) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.Game
Constructs a Game.
GameColorMap - class ctf.environment.GameColorMap.
Color map for ctf game.
GameColorMap() - Constructor for class ctf.environment.GameColorMap
getBoardSize() - Method in interface ctf.environment.BoardSet
Gets the dimension of the board.
getBoardSize() - Method in class ctf.environment.DefaultSet
getBoardSize() - Method in class ctf.environment.FileSet
getBoardSize() - Method in class ctf.environment.LargeRandomSet
getBoardSize() - Method in class ctf.environment.RandomSet
getDrawDimension(int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Gets the actual dimensions of the drawn grid when particular dimensions are requested.
getLocation() - Method in class ctf.environment.SingletonGrid
Get object location.
getMove(AgentEnvironment) - Method in class ctf.agent.Agent
Gets the agent's next move.
getMove(AgentEnvironment) - Method in class ctf.agent.BadAgent
getMove(AgentEnvironment) - Method in class ctf.agent.BomberAgent
getMove(AgentEnvironment) - Method in class ctf.agent.Jcr13Agent
getMove(AgentEnvironment) - Method in class ctf.agent.RandomAgent
getMove(AgentEnvironment) - Method in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
getObstacleLocations(int) - Method in class ctf.environment.DefaultSet
getObstacleLocations(int) - Method in class ctf.environment.FileSet
getObstacleLocations(int) - Method in class ctf.environment.LargeRandomSet
getObstacleLocations(int) - Method in interface ctf.environment.ObstacleSet
Gets an array of obstacle locations specified by this set.
getObstacleLocations(int) - Method in class ctf.environment.RandomSet
getTeamException() - Method in class ctf.environment.Game
Grid - class ctf.environment.Grid.
Generic grid for a capture the flag board.
Grid(int) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.Grid
Constructs a Grid.
Grid(int, Color, Color) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.Grid
Constructs a Grid.


hasFlag() - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff this agent has the enemy flag.
hasFlag() - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
hasFlag(int) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff an agent on the specified team has the other team's flag.
hasFlag(int) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot


isAgentEast(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff an agent from the specified team is somewhere to the east of this agent (to right of agent's current horizontal position).
isAgentEast(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isAgentNorth(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff an agent from the specified team is somewhere to the north of this agent (above agent's current vertical position).
isAgentNorth(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isAgentSouth(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff an agent from the specified team is somewhere to the south of this agent (below agent's current vertical position).
isAgentSouth(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isAgentWest(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff an agent from the specified team is somewhere to the west of this agent (to left of agent's current horizontal position).
isAgentWest(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isBaseEast(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff the specified team's base is somewhere to the east of this agent (above agent's current vertical position).
isBaseEast(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isBaseNorth(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff the specified team's base is somewhere to the north of this agent (above agent's current vertical position).
isBaseNorth(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isBaseSouth(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff the specified team's base is somewhere to the south of this agent (above agent's current vertical position).
isBaseSouth(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isBaseWest(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff the specified team's base is somewhere to the west of this agent (above agent's current vertical position).
isBaseWest(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isFlagEast(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff the specified team's flag is somewhere to the east of this agent (to right of agent's current horizontal position).
isFlagEast(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isFlagNorth(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff the specified team's flag is somewhere to the north of this agent (above agent's current vertical position).
isFlagNorth(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isFlagSouth(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff the specified team's flag is somewhere to the south of this agent (below agent's current vertical position).
isFlagSouth(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isFlagWest(int, boolean) - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true iff the specified team's flag is somewhere to the west of this agent (to left of agent's current horizontal position).
isFlagWest(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isObstacleEastImmediate() - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true an obstacle is in the space immediately east of this agent.
isObstacleEastImmediate() - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isObstacleNorthImmediate() - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true an obstacle is in the space immediately north of this agent.
isObstacleNorthImmediate() - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isObstacleSouthImmediate() - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true an obstacle is in the space immediately south of this agent.
isObstacleSouthImmediate() - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot
isObstacleWestImmediate() - Method in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Returns true an obstacle is in the space immediately north of this agent.
isObstacleWestImmediate() - Method in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentSnapshot


Jcr13Agent - class ctf.agent.Jcr13Agent.
A sample agent implementing the Agent interface.
Jcr13Agent() - Constructor for class ctf.agent.Jcr13Agent


LargeRandomSet - class ctf.environment.LargeRandomSet.
A large completely randomized board setting.
LargeRandomSet() - Constructor for class ctf.environment.LargeRandomSet
lastTeamToGoFirst - Variable in class ctf.environment.Game


mAgent - Variable in class ctf.environment.AgentInfo
mAgentLocation - Variable in class ctf.environment.AgentInfo
mAgentStartLocation - Variable in class ctf.environment.AgentInfo
main(String[]) - Static method in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
main(String[]) - Static method in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mArray - Variable in class ctf.agent.BadAgent
mAvailableClasses - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mAvailableCompetitorClasses - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mBackgroundColor - Variable in class ctf.environment.GameColorMap
mBoardSet - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mBoardSetNames - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mBoardSets - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mColorChoice - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mColorChoiceLabel - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mColorMap - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mColorMap - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mCompetitorAgentClassesFileName - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mCompetitorWins - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mCorrectAgentPoints - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mCorrectEast - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mCorrectEastDirection - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mCorrectNorth - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mCorrectNorthDirection - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mCorrectSouth - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mCorrectSouthDirection - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mCorrectWest - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mCorrectWestDirection - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mDefence - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mDefenceSet - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mDelayChoice - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mDelayChoiceLabel - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mDrawThreshold - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mDrawThreshold - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mExceptionPenalty - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mFillColor - Variable in class ctf.agent.Agent
mFillColor - Variable in class ctf.environment.GameColorMap
mFillColor - Variable in class ctf.environment.Grid
mFlagPoleColor - Variable in class ctf.environment.GameColorMap
mGame - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mGame - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mHasFlag - Variable in class ctf.environment.AgentInfo
mHaveFlag - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
MineGrid - class ctf.environment.MineGrid.
Mine grid for game of capture the flag.
MineGrid(int, Color, Color, Color) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.MineGrid
Constructs a MineGrid.
mIniFileName - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mKnownImpementingClasses - Static variable in class ctf.environment.GameColorMap
mLineColor - Variable in class ctf.agent.Agent
mLineColor - Variable in class ctf.environment.GameColorMap
mLineColor - Variable in class ctf.environment.Grid
mMapFractionToWin - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mMaxObstHits - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mMineButtonColor - Variable in class ctf.environment.GameColorMap
mMoveCount - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mName - Variable in class ctf.environment.DefaultGameColorMap
mName - Variable in class ctf.environment.RetroGameColorMap
mNumAgentsChoice - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mNumAgentsChoiceLabel - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mNumAgentsPerTeam - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mNumAgentsPerTeam - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mObstacleChoice - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mObstacleChoiceLabel - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mObstacleColor - Variable in class ctf.environment.GameColorMap
mObstacleSet - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mObstEastCount - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mObstNorthCount - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mObstSouthCount - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mObstWestCount - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
MOVE_EAST - Static variable in class ctf.common.AgentAction
MOVE_NORTH - Static variable in class ctf.common.AgentAction
MOVE_SOUTH - Static variable in class ctf.common.AgentAction
MOVE_WEST - Static variable in class ctf.common.AgentAction
mPauseButton - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mPointsPerStandardAgent - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mQuitButton - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mRanking - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mRankingPerAgent - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mReadyToPaint - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mReverseCount - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mReverseMode - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mScoreLabel - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mSeenGoal - Variable in class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
mSetsDirName - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mSetsDirName - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mStandardAgentClasses - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mStandardAgentClassesFileName - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mStatsDirName - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mTeam1Choice - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mTeam1ChoiceLabel - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mTeam1Score - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mTeam1Score - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mTeam1ScoreLabel - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mTeam2Choice - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mTeam2ChoiceLabel - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mTeam2Score - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mTeam2Score - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mTeam2ScoreLabel - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mTeamClasses - Variable in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
mTeamClasses - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mTeamColors - Variable in class ctf.environment.GameColorMap
mTeamExceptions - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mTournamentPoints - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mWinsAgainstStandardAgents - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mWinsPerMap - Variable in class ctf.environment.Tournament
mX - Variable in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentLocation
mY - Variable in class ctf.environment.EnvironmentLocation


numMovesTotal - Static variable in class ctf.agent.RandomAgent


ObstacleGrid - class ctf.environment.ObstacleGrid.
Obstacle grid for game of capture the flag.
ObstacleGrid(int, Color, Color) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.ObstacleGrid
Constructs an ObstacleGrid.
ObstacleSet - interface ctf.environment.ObstacleSet.
Obstacle location preset.
OUR_TEAM - Static variable in interface ctf.common.AgentEnvironment
Our team identifier constant.


paint(Graphics) - Method in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
PLANT_HYPERDEADLY_PROXIMITY_MINE - Static variable in class ctf.common.AgentAction
Planted mine becomes active in next time step.
When activated, mine will blow up any agent that enters this space on the play surface.
Mines are invisible to all agents.
playRound(int) - Method in class ctf.environment.Game
Plays a one-round game.
playRound(int, boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.Game
Plays a one-round game.


RandomAgent - class ctf.agent.RandomAgent.
A sample agent that makes completely random moves and doesn't examine environment at all.
RandomAgent() - Constructor for class ctf.agent.RandomAgent
RandomSet - class ctf.environment.RandomSet.
A completely randomized board setting.
RandomSet() - Constructor for class ctf.environment.RandomSet
remove(EnvironmentLocation) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Removes an object from the grid.
remove(int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Removes an object to the grid.
RetroGameColorMap - class ctf.environment.RetroGameColorMap.
Vector green color map for ctf game.
RetroGameColorMap() - Constructor for class ctf.environment.RetroGameColorMap
Constructs a RetroGameColorMap.


SecretAgent - class ctf.agent.SecretAgent.
A sample agent implementing the Agent interface.
SecretAgent() - Constructor for class ctf.agent.SecretAgent
setColor(Color, Color) - Method in class ctf.agent.Agent
Sets the team color of this agent.
setColorMap(GameColorMap) - Method in class ctf.environment.Game
Set game-wide color map.
setDelay(int) - Method in class ctf.environment.Game
Set delay between each step of play.
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Set fill color for drawing grid objects.
setFlagClothColor(Color) - Method in class ctf.environment.FlagGrid
Set fill color for drawing flag cloth.
setLineColor(Color) - Method in class ctf.environment.Grid
Set line color for drawing grid objects.
setLocation(EnvironmentLocation) - Method in class ctf.environment.SingletonGrid
Set object location.
setLocation(int, int) - Method in class ctf.environment.SingletonGrid
Set object location.
setMineButtonColor(Color) - Method in class ctf.environment.MineGrid
Set fill color for drawing mine button.
setPause(boolean) - Method in class ctf.environment.Game
Sets whether game is paused or not.
SingletonGrid - class ctf.environment.SingletonGrid.
Grid that supports exactly one existing object.
SingletonGrid(int, Color, Color) - Constructor for class ctf.environment.SingletonGrid
Constructs a SingletonGrid.
sNumMovesTotal - Static variable in class ctf.agent.BadAgent
stateChanged() - Method in interface ctf.environment.StateChangeListener
stateChanged() - Method in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
stateChanged() - Method in class ctf.environment.Tournament
StateChangeListener - interface ctf.environment.StateChangeListener.
Interface for classes that can handle state change event callbacks.
sThrowExceptionAt - Static variable in class ctf.agent.BadAgent


TestPlaySurface - class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface.
Frame for running agent CTF games w/visualization and GUI controls.
TestPlaySurface() - Constructor for class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
Tournament - class ctf.environment.Tournament.
Tournament for CTF.
Tournament() - Constructor for class ctf.environment.Tournament


update(Graphics) - Method in class ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface