The following packages are basically just snapshots of the entire CVS tree as it was during the Beta 2 release. They differ from the CVS tree in that they also contain compiled versions of all the Java files (so you won't need to compile anything to run CTF).
ctf_b2.tar.gz -- ( 110 KiB )
ctf_b2.zip -- ( 147 KiB )
What you get
The following is a description of important files included in the distribution:
Runnable classes
The framework can be run in two different modes:
Graphical testing mode-- presents a realtime graphical interface that allows the user to pit teams of agents against each other on the available maps.
to run in graphical mode, enter the top-level ctf directory and type:
java -cp . ctf.environment.TestPlaySurface
Tournament mode-- a fast console mode that runs an automatic tournament and grading routine.
to run in tournament mode, enter the top-level ctf directory and type:
java -cp . ctf.environment.Tournament
Useful scripts
javacCompile-- a compile script for the javac compiler
jikes++Compile-- a compile script for the jikes incremental compiler
makeAllDoc-- make javadocs for the entire package. The resulting documentation is stored in the allDoc directory.
makeStudentDoc-- make javadocs for the interfaces that students need to complete their agents. The resulting documentation is stored in the studentDoc directory.
makeStudentDistribution-- makes a distribution (in both tar.gz and zip format) of all files students will need to make an agent.
sendStats-- a script that sends out emails for a directory full of stats files
Configuration files
AgentClasses.txt-- a list of agents that will be loaded by the graphical TestPlaySurface environment
CompetitorAgentClasses.txt-- a list of student agents that will be loaded by the Tournament environment
StandardAgentClasses.txt-- a list of standard benchmark agents that will be loaded by the Tournament environment (student agents are scored based on their performance against each standard agent)
Tournament.ini-- a configuration file for the automated tournament and grading system
Class handouts
ctf.html-- an example homework handout used in CS 472 at Cornell University. To view it online, click here.
faq.html-- an example FAQ used in CS 472 at Cornell University. To view it online, click here.